
Why you should not hire me as your coach & why you may not need a coach at all!

I don’t work with just everyone. Why? Because I want to feel lit up when working with a client and I want them to have the same experience. If I’m not comfortable working with someone or they’re not at ease working with me, this will not create a powerful life transformation. Coaching is a co-creation (especially for 1:1 coaching) and both people need to respect and trust the other to have a great experience!

So here’s why you should not work with me :

1. You are not ready to invest your time and energy in improving your now situation.

I show up a 200 % when I work with a client or when I pay for a service. Creating space and showing up for yourself is THE only way to gain results. I don’t have a magic wand to make things shift for you, nor do I have a savior complex. You showing up and doing the work is the best way to make the most out of your financial investment.

2. You are not willing to take full responsibility for your life.

I get it. you’ve probably gone through some challenging and hard times in your life and you may still have moments when you feel victimized and have resentment towards certain people and situation. It’s okay. The important part is to allow yourself to process these feelings and let them go. As an adult, you are sole responsible for the choices you make and the life you create for yourself. Understanding this fact will help you feel empowered and find more solutions when encountering a challenge. Remember that you always have a choice to move on and find peace, or stay stuck with your anger.

3. You have any kind of mental health issues such as depression with suicidal thoughts, manic episodes, etc.

Remember that you are sole responsible for your life and your health. However, I would suggest you seek the help of medical professionals and find with them what would be best for you.

4. You are totally capable of handling your own life transformation with the free content that me and others provide online.

Well, stay here because I’ll keep sharing valuable content on my different platforms. By the way, have you downloaded my free gifts?

It is not for me to convince you to work on yourself or even to work with me ! This is not what I do on a connection call. Connection calls are for the women who are ready to invest in themselves and do the work. During a call, they get to share with me their situation and where they want to be in the upcoming weeks or months. I listen to their story and see how I can best assist them on their journey. We talk. We spend 20 minutes together and feel if we are a good fit for one another.

If you’re ready to do the work and feel in your heart that I could be the coach to book a free connection call here!