
How to pick the right coach for you & the dirty deeds of the coaching industry

Now, first of all, I’d like to state that I am intuitive. Therefore, most of my decisions are based on my intuition. When I decide to work with someone, no matter who they are or what they do, I solely trust my inner guidance.

But if you are not there yet, intuition-wise, here are valuable tips for you to pick the right coach for whatever goal you want to achieve.

1. Who are they?

The first thing you need to know is who they are. Check their story on their website and content on social media. You can tell who someone is by how they show up and how they write the content that they share. However, sometimes they do not write their own content. Do they have a podcast? Their podcast is a good way to dig deeper into their philosophy and their approach.

2. Should they be a certified coach?

I am going to break your bubble here but anyone can create a certified program, and some create programs without choosing them to be certified. Still, it doesn’t mean that the program is less valuable. So it doesn’t mean much. If you are really into certification you should see if the certification is accredited. For eg. I am a certified yoga teacher and I am accredited by Yoga Alliance. I’ve attended several courses that are certified and accredited by the same organization. However, and this is the case for every industry, a certified coach doesn’t mean that they’re a good coach. How many doctors or teachers aren’t doing a good job at what they’re doing? Yet, they have all the diplomas. When it comes to coaching, it’s mostly a natural ability that the person has always had. However, they should have some training in the type of coaching that they do. So, check the page where they share their training. It’s usually on their About me page.

3. Lack of engagement on social media? Should I be worried?

It is said that 80 % of someone’s audience is a silent audience. The truth is, usually, people who like the content do not engage with it. I’ve heard coaches in the industry say that people they had never heard about but were following them, purchased their most expensive offer out of the blue. So not a lot of engagement does not mean that people are not buying from them. Also, I know coaches who do not have a large following (from under 1000 to 5000 followers), yet they have 6 to 7-figure coaching businesses.

4. Testimonials

I’ve seen coaches using pictures of people that they had found in a stock library for their testimonials. When it comes to testimonials, you cannot assume that they are all genuine. Moreover, have you ever seen a bad testimonial on someone’s website? Surely, not. So, I have to be honest I never read testimonials before buying because I know that it’s someone’s experience and mine could be the complete opposite. You can have a look at their testimonials, but if you’re unsure book a free call with them to know if you are a good match for one another.

5. Their sales techniques, mindset, and fees.

This is probably the thing that annoys me the most in this industry. Some coaches will shame you for not buying their services or if you don’t have the financial means to do so. Now, don’t get me wrong, everyone has the right to ask for the prices that they want. If their fees are too high for you, you are free to look for another coach. What bothers me are coaches who say that if you cannot afford their services, you’re not doing enough or you’ll forever stay where you’re at.

I have seen one coach sharing a testimonial from one of her clients, and the coach’s comment was “Hoping that it inspires you to level the fuck up”, meaning invest in her high-paying services to get the same results. If you need to be shamed and treated poorly to work with someone, I’d suggest you work on your self-worth and self-esteem. You deserve way better than that! You deserve someone who welcomes you as you are and holds space for you to reach your goal in a respectful and supportive way.

I remember once, a business coach that I’ve never hired, advised me to not share my fees on my website, just so I could get people on sales calls and then convince them to buy my services. They also said, «It’s not your business to know how they can pay for your services». You get the picture.

While it’s true that at any time in your life you may need the help of a coach whether it’s for your life or your business, never go into debt to afford their services, unless you are sure you’ll be able to bounce back quickly. 1:1 coaching is very pricey and it’s totally understandable as it’s just you and the coach and you get faster results. However, if you don’t have the means to invest in a 1:1 coaching program, you can still have a look at their self-paced courses or group coaching.

Now, do you resonate with their content? Are they the right coach to help you improve your situation? What’s their training and what’s their story? Do you have the financial means to invest in their offerings? If not, is it a risk worth taking? Remember that you are the one making the calls when it comes to your life and it’s important that you take full responsibility for your choices… good or bad!